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Spy Games Page 6

  It was like this perverted little monster was lurking inside me all along and only Olivia knew how to unlock its cage.

  “Ah!” I cried out as Mr. Liu suddenly breasts his face against my breasts. His warm tongue slithered over my mounds and he licked and sucked at one of my nipples. Olivia stepped back, sitting on the edge of his desk and sliding up her skirt. She watched and I let it happen. I let her set the little monster free. I cradled Mr. Liu against my chest, thrusting my breasts against his face. “Oh… oh yes, Mr. Liu. Suck my tits.”

  He muttered in Chinese, rubbing the modest bulge in his trousers as he slurped lewdly at my tits. His glasses were all fogged up and his greasy hair was out of place. I looked past him, at Olivia, and felt a gratifying surge of lust as I saw her pull aside the gusset of her pink panties and begin to rub at her gold-tufted cunt. She locked eyes with me for a moment as she plunged two fingers into her hot pussy.

  “Oh, Emily,” moaned Mr. Liu, pressing a forceful and sloppy kiss to my lips. “You very bad. You bad and go to prison. But not if… not if you make happy.”

  “You want to be happy?” I asked, smiling my sweetest smile. I glanced over his shoulder and into Olivia’s eyes again. I was staring at her as I said, “I will make you happy.”

  I’m not a slut. I swear. But as I went down to my knees in front of the sleazy personnel chief it would be a hard argument to make. He moaned as I got his little cock out of his trousers and into my hand. His manhood was hard and red. It had an unpleasant smell. But that didn’t stop me. I took him in my mouth and sucked him like I was giving Luke that blowjob I gave him on his birthday. I moaned around Mr. Liu’s cock and heard Olivia moan in reply. She was fucking herself with her fingers as I sucked Mr. Liu’s angry red firecracker.

  And it didn’t take long for that firecracker to go off. He grabbed my hair and held my head as he thrust his hips wildly, fucking my mouth and slapping his balls against my chin. He wasn’t even big enough to gag me, so I took it, closing my eyes and listening to the wet sound of Olivia’s fingers sliding into her pussy as Mr. Liu thrust between my lips. He whined with pleasure and his cock pulsed, shooting a big load of cum all over my tongue and down my throat.

  “Swallow it,” moaned Olivia and I obeyed, gulping down the tacky flavor of Mr. Liu’s cum. He fell back, his cock slipping from my mouth as he sagged into one of the chairs. I turned and found myself looking right between Olivia’s creamy parted thighs. She beckoned with a finger and I crawled on my hands and knees straight over to begin pleasuring her.

  “She’s a good girl, Mr. Liu,” moaned Olivia, combing her fingers into my hair and cradling my face against her pussy. “I’m sure she won’t get into anymore trouble.”

  “She is very good girl,” he said, still recovering from his orgasm as he watched me licking Olivia’s sweet cunt.

  “You can fuck her, you know,” said Olivia, reaching down and smacking my ass in my tight trousers. “I’m sure she won’t mind, will you, Emily?”

  “Mmmmmmmm,” I moaned submissively, lapping at her cunt and slipping two fingers into Olivia’s hot slit. Mr. Liu watched me licking Olivia until his cock had stiffened again, then he moved behind me and roughly pulled my pants down. He moaned and muttered some more in Chinese as he caught sight of my peachy bottom.

  “I lick it?” Mr. Liu asked and I realized he was asking Olivia permission.

  “Yes, of course, Mr. Liu,” said Oliva, reaching over me to smack my ass with both hands as I continued to pleasure her.

  I whimpered against Olivia’s pussy, lapping at the delicate cusp of her folds and battering her clit with soft lashes of my tongue. As I pleasured her, Mr. Liu began to awkwardly attempt to pleasure me. He sniffed at me and licked at me, he moaned a lot and slobbered a lot, but his tongue felt like a washcloth cleaning up a spilled drink. He slid it all over my pussy, into the crack of my ass, and did a lot of licking my ass cheeks.

  “Oh, yes, isn’t she delicious?” Olivia laughed, one hand on the back of my hand to ensure I continued to pleasure her pussy.

  “Yes, very good,” moaned Mr. Liu. I could tell by the way his body was moving as he ran his tongue over my cuntlips again that he was jerking his little cock as he licked me.

  “Really get your tongue in there deep,” moaned Olivia, thrusting her pussy at my face. I obeyed her, but then realized she was talking to Mr. Liu as she added, “Make her your pleasure slave.”

  “Mmmmmmm!” I moaned against Olivia’s pussy at her lewd command. Mr. Liu thrust his tongue as deep as he could into my hot cove, his nose between my cheeks and his tongue plunging my teenage pussy. I could hardly believe what was happening to me, but as I pleasured Olivia, Mr. Liu’s bumbling tongue-fucking was going to make me cum.

  “Yesssss,” Olivia cried, bucking against my face and nearly knocking Mr. Liu’s computer monitor off his desk. “Suck it. Suck my clit right now.”

  I clamped my mouth against her clit, sucking hard and rhythmically as I fucked her with two fingers. She tightened her grip painfully in my hair and let out a wail of pleasure that was surely heard throughout the surrounding offices. Mr. Liu moaned in reply, his tongue still buried in my pussy. This vibration, combing with his awkward enthusiasm, drove me over the edge. I thrust my peachy bottom back against his face as I reached my peak and spilled my sweet nectar into his mouth.

  “Ohhhhh, yes, she’s such a good girl,” moaned Olivia, smacking my ass. “Suck the juice from her peach, Mr. Liu. That teenage American girl juice. You like that?”

  “Yessss, so sweet,” he moaned, slurping raunchily at my folds.

  He finally lifted his head, his glasses and tie askew and his face glistening with my cum. Olivia giggled at the sight of him and even I could not suppress a smile. Then Olivia reach over my back and smacked my ass again.

  “Your turn, Mr. Liu,” said Olivia. “She’s tight as a virgin. Have your way with her.”

  It was, without a doubt, the worst performance of anyone I have ever had sex with. And that is including Luke and his often premature explosions. At least he has a nice cock. Mr. Liu thrust into my sopping pussy, his cockhead brushing past my soaking folds, and he exploded. Not even a full stroke. He buried his cock and shot his cum inside me, pulled out and shot more all over my pussy and down the backs of my thighs, and actually continued to cum on my ass and lower back.

  “Well, that was over quickly,” laughed Olivia. She slid off his desk and straightened her panties and skirt. “I believe that was more than fair, Mr. Liu. You did not have to even buy her dinner.”

  “Ohhhhhhh,” he whimpered, sinking back onto his desk.

  Olivia handed me a kerchief from her purse. She leaned down to my ear and whispered, “If I hadn’t worked things out with Mr. Liu, you would have wound up in a political prison.”

  “You told him about—“

  “He knew,” whispered Olivia. “Mother did not cover her tracks properly. If he comes back to you, do whatever he wants.”

  Mr. Liu watched her leave and did not say anything as I cleaned up and dressed. As I reached for the door he said, “You will go now. Not go back to lab.”

  “Um, right,” I said. “I feel a bit sick. I had better go home for the day.”

  He turned to his computer and began typing something. I knew he was watching me even after I was out of his office. I left CPC without ever seeing Beth, but I had not given up on the mission yet. I walked to a nearby parker and sat down at a bench overlooking a duck pond.

  I knew that using text messages in China was an invitation for the government to spy, but Beth and I had worked out another means to communicate. I opened my phone and loaded the Scrabble app. I started a game and was soon joined by a player with a name that was seemingly random letters and numbers. It was Beth. We began to play a game and I used the in-game chat to message her.

  “You need to leave at lunch. They know I’m onto something. Meet me in the bar of the Beijing Grand Imperial Hotel.”

  “Are you okay?” She replied.

  “Just tell me you will be there!” I answered.

  “Will be there,” she said and followed that up with several hearts. I closed the app.

  Shaking slightly and feeling like everyone was watching me, I walked several blocks from the park before I found a taxi that would take me back to the hotel. Mrs. Temple wasn’t in the room and there was no sign of Olivia, but I took a long, hot shower. Everyone was using me, even Beth, who knew I was here from before we even met, and it was overwhelming. It made me feel like a chew toy being played with by several slobbering dogs. Did I enjoy that feeling? Is that what I wanted for myself?

  I was wrapped in a hotel robe and feeling extremely sorry for myself when my phone buzzed. The familiar sound of a video call surprised me. It was Luke! I checked myself in the mirror and sat upright on the bed, lit by the smoggy gray light coming through the windows. I answered the call with a smile.

  “Hey, babe!” Luke shouted, his video image pixilated for a moment. When it resolved I saw that he was on his own bed, stripped down to his boxers. His toned body and bulging underwear provided a powerful mental contrast to the myriad disappointments of Mr. Liu.

  “Luke!” I cried, much happier to see him than I had expected to feel. “Oh, Luke, I miss you!”

  “You’ve only been gone like two days,” he said. “Is my mom really that bad? She’s not riding you too hard, is she?”

  “Your mom? Oh, no, she’s fine. She’s sweet. I, just, the job and the foreign country are a bit overwhelming. You know.”

  “Yeah, right,” said Luke. “You look cute. Did you just get out of the shower?”

  “Yep,” I said. “I’m all squeaky clean.”

  I expected him to ask for a flash of skin or to start grabbing his cock and wanting me to talk dirty. Instead, Luke surprised me with a serious tone.

  “Hey, look, I know I’ve been busy with football lately and you’ve been busy with cheerleading, plus this trip with my mom, and I just wanted to say we’ll get through it. You know? I really, really, really dig you, Emily.”

  “I, um, dig you too,” I said, surprised and embarrassed by his sincerity.

  “You’re not like other girls at the school,” he said. “I don’t want you to think I’m some dumb rich jock who doesn’t appreciate you. I do. And I can’t wait for the football season to be over so we can get back to normal and enjoy our senior year together.”

  “Our last year,” I said, feeling a note of sadness.

  “Well, I’ve said this before, but more and more I believe it is true: we can find a way to make this work even if we go off in different directions for a while, you know?” He smiled and his grin was disarming and guileless. “I have an open mind. It’s 2018. If you have to, you know, do whatever, I get it.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I think I’m trying to say I can look past just about anything,” said Luke, getting a bit flushed. “We’re young. I’m not going to hold anything against you.”

  Did he know something? Before I could follow up with a question there was a loud knock at the door.

  “Someone is here, Luke,” I said, “We can talk more tonight, okay?”

  “I’d like that,” he said. He started to say something else, but I accidentally ended the call in my rush to answer the pounding on the door.

  I made the foolish mistake of throwing open the hotel room door without bothering to look through the peephole. A stern, but beautiful woman was standing on the other side of the door. She had high cheekbones, soft lips, and dark eyes that stared at me without any friendliness. She was wearing an outfit that looked like a combination between a woman’s office suit, with a black skirt, nylons, heels, and a black jacket over a white blouse. But the jacket had military insignia on it and her military style black cap resting atop her tight bun of hair had an ominous silver symbol on the front.

  “Miss Emily Vinke?” She asked.

  “Um, yes,” I said.

  “I am Yu Feng with the Ministry of State Security,” she said. “Please get dressed and come with me.”

  “Am I, um, under arrest?” I asked. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “Please get dressed and come with me,” she repeated. “So that we may clear some things up.”

  I hurriedly dressed and she escorted me out of the hotel with a hand tightly clamped on my bicep. It reminded me of the way Mr. Liu had gripped my arm. Only Miss Feng’s grip was much tighter.

  As she ducked my head into the back of a dark sedan being driven by another woman, I realized my trip to Beijing was not going to end as quickly I had expected.